How to write a paper presentation
Interpreter Of Maladies Jhumpa Lahiri Essay Topics
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Psychology of Diversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Brain research of Diversity - Essay Example It concentrated on a little, intently sew South Asian people group in Muncie, Indiana. The individuals in this town are generally Asians who are a piece of the diaspora. She reviews that when she left Muncie in 1981 to head off to college, her mom offered her some guidance †to recollect her Indian legacy. From the start, she was truly baffled, for how might she know her legacy when she experienced childhood in Muncie? She has lived in a nation which respect non-white and non-European as â€Å"outsider†and â€Å"other†. Up to now this setting is as yet experienced by Asians and Latinos in America. In any case, she says that she’s only a youthful grown-up lady of Indian lineage living in a little American city, attempting to comprehend what her legacy was. She centers her paper to that season of history up to today when American has not yet stir to the acknowledgment that she made due with diaspora and movement. Gupta-Carlson said that when Henry Ford spearheaded the mechanical production system and manufactured the car plants that would control America’s customer economy to acclaim, he had no other response yet to acquire the migrant laborers and had them work. He at that point depended vigorously on settler work, yet he attempted to coercively Americanize his laborers. This happened during the 1920s and 1930s. He implemented the prohibitive laws on movement that made a reaction against Chinese, Japanese, Indian, and other Asian pilgrims in rural and logging networks. Portage needed to delete the â€Å"foreign-ness†in his laborers. The most exceedingly awful separation happened at that point. There are numerous different episodes and brutal conditions referenced in the paper of Gupta-Carlson, and the encounters demonstrated not phenomenal. Today, like never before, we despite everything see and witness these events †migration laws against outsiders, working conditions still barbaric and extremely abusive estimates authorized on Asian male as well as on ladies. Not exclusively are these cruel conditions present in the working spot yet in addition
Saturday, August 22, 2020
My experience Essay Example for Free
My experience Essay Over the mid year, I traveled to Mission Beach with my loved ones as we do each late spring and Christmas break. Every year we generally take a night to go to our preferred café, Tower 21. The invigorating climate, first class administration, and mouth watering food is the thing that we return for and they never neglect to live up to our desires. This last understanding, in any case, was unique in relation to what we were anticipating. My family and I were all euphoric about getting spruced up and eating heavenly food in the wake of our difficult seven day stretch of burgers and sausages by the open air fire. At the point when we pulled up to the valet for the café we were welcomed with a grin and a speedy valet stopping process. This was not something strange, a greater amount of something anticipated. As we entered the passage of the café, once more, we were welcomed with well disposed appearances that quickly sat us at our held table. Our server at that point went to our table and presented herself pleasantly, similarly as we anticipated. The start of our supper went astoundingly well. Our server and table attendant even had a couple of individual discussions with my family causing us to feel significantly progressively agreeable at the eatery. In any case, by and by, this was something that we generally had the delight of getting a charge out of when it went to the visitor administration. After our tidbits were done, that was the point at which the entire experience changed. Around the bend we could all observe our dishes coming our direction. The dishes were presented with glad faces all around the table. After our server ensured everything had gotten together, she returned to her different tables. Every one of us started to cut into our steaks before us. Quickly you could see frustration on a couple of my relatives faces. What they expected to be a totally medium uncommon steak wound up being a medium well steak. As of now our â€Å"experience†went to a descending slant. My dad brought over the server to inform her concerning our objection. She was sorry for the over cooked steaks and had them sent back to the kitchen for new ones. The chief of the café alongside our server brought over the pristine steaks to ensure they were appropriately cooked. Obviously, this time they were shockingly better than great.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Challenges of Millenial Generation
Difficulties of Millenial Generation Presentation In an association, representatives experience various difficulties that identify with their degree of inspiration and execution. These difficulties incorporate poor working connections among junior and ranking staff, denied working conditions, pitiful pay rates and wages, just as various needs of representatives. These difficulties brings about lackluster showing as workers neglect to meet the set targets and desires for the organization.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Challenges of Millenial Generation explicitly for you for just $16.05 $11/page Learn More Lawler (1999) contends that, when representatives neglect to meet authoritative desires, it suggests that there is a huge decrease in profitability, which is probably going to injure its exercises and procedures. To forestall approaching emergencies, an association need to invest the vast majority of its energy settling issues of representatives in angles, for example, time the executives, underperf ormance, participation, and strikes as opposed to utilizing the priceless time in upgrading authoritative efficiency of workers. Consequently, the reason for this article is to inspect the impact of generational clashes and inspiration levels among junior and senior mariners in the naval force. Generational Conflicts In the maritime association, directors are encountering difficulties in tending to generational contrasts among representatives. The difficulties rise since directors have not comprehended various needs of youthful and old mariners. For example, numerous youthful mariners like innovation, cooperation, prompt criticisms, and are serious, while old specialists like norm and routine strategies for tasks. The significant test confronting the association is the erosion made by the alternate points of view and perspectives because of decent variety of generational socioeconomics (Lindner, 1998). Since the association can't address the prerequisites of the new age viably, it h as proceeded with its regular strategies for activities and the board; consequently, discourage the youthful specialists and cause them to lose the energy in their work. Also, numerous youthful specialists are hesitant to take part in the organization’s activities since they see them as obsolete. The association has not successfully perceived the generational contrasts that exist among mariners. In this manner, the association has not coached youthful mariners well as a method for consolidating them into the association to infuse new thoughts and feelings. Joining of new thoughts and sentiments from youthful mariners would improve the association to advance the degree of inspiration, and in this manner, help the efficiency of youthful sailors.Advertising Looking for paper on sociologies? How about we check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More also, old mariners are not set up to embrace new thoughts from youthful mariners since they accept that they don't have any applicable experience. The reluctance of old mariners to tune in to new and new thoughts from youthful mariners has caused youthful mariners to feel second rate, as they accept that the old mariners subvert them. Podmoroff (2005 prescribes associations to suit the necessities of representatives as per their socioeconomics. Inability to suit the necessities of a specific arrangement of workers, for example, the millennial age comprises segregation and underestimation. An association must realize that numerous youthful laborers despite everything need to facilitate their investigations and invest energy with their families; subsequently, the association should give them adaptable working calendars. Inspiration of Employees In the working environment, numerous representatives are not performing ideally in light of the fact that they are not roused. As indicated by Muller (2011), inspiration is a key factor in the executives since it upgrades the exhibition of r epresentatives. As maritime association utilizes incapable administration rehearses, it can't accomplish worker inspiration. Also the association has not utilized compelling administration techniques that spread viewpoints, for example, reasonable treatment of representatives, strengthening, examinations, production of adaptable workplace, and acknowledgment of representatives who perform well. The nonattendance of these inspirational systems unsettle workers since they don't have a vocation plan that characterizes their sets of expectations and employment details as they progress in their activity positions (Jami Clerkin, 2013). The association likewise doesn't engage mariners to improve their dedication in working environment. Moreover, the association doesn't give representatives the force, autonomy, trust, and consolation for them to play out their obligations well.Advertising We will compose a custom paper test on Challenges of Millenial Generation explicitly for you for just $ 16.05 $11/page Learn More The association has not made space for the perspectives and assessments of the considerable number of laborers particularly the youthful and new mariners. Therefore, the way that then administration doesn't give space for youthful mariners to introduce their conclusions and proposals make the association to be coldhearted toward the prerequisites of youthful mariners, and along these lines don't make a sentiment of self-esteem and acknowledgment among youthful mariners. Therefore, the youthful mariners experience a feeling of minimization. Moreover, the association has not made establishments that the administration utilizes in discussing successfully with all mariners regardless of their ages, positions, or levels of understanding. As per Ryan (2012), organizations are fundamental since they make a proper method for conveying among workers in a powerful way. The association has applied complete techniques for correspondence and neglected to comprehend that the youthful age inclines toward individualized types of correspondence, rather than the utilization of reminders and takes note. These acts of the association make a sentiment of discourtesy among youthful mariners that debilitate them, and kill their drive to perform ideally. The board of the Problem To understand these difficulties brought about by the age distinction and absence of inspiration, the association must connect with various techniques outfitted towards making reasonableness in the manner the administration treats and handles its laborers. The association should give all the laborers a stage to introduce their perspectives and thoughts without utilizing the age, work position, or level of involvement with measuring their commitments (Crouse, 2005). Out of this procedure, the administration will get the opportunity to comprehend the prerequisites of the considerable number of laborers and skill to oversee youthful and old mariners in accordance with their necessities. Besides, the administration must make correspondence frameworks that are productive to encourage entry of data starting with one point then onto the next in a quick and effective way (Partridge, 1995). Compelling correspondence empowers youthful and old mariners to introduce their perspectives effectively and rapidly. What's more, the administration should address proposals of both old and youthful mariners in a reasonable way without undue separation and give input in time. It is crucial for the maritime association to comprehend that mariners needs and desires vary across mariners. This is because of the distinction in age, thinking limits, and characters. Martins (2001) affirms that significant clashes that identify with inspiration address matters, for example, working condition, working hours, pay rates and compensation, and the degree of regard and acknowledgment from the organization.Advertising Searching for paper on sociologies? We should check whether we can support you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Find out More Subsequently, to rouse mariners successfully and get the best out of them, the administration must guarantee that laborers have a decent workplace, adaptable working hours, great pay rates, and wages. Besides, the association should treat mariners with value, regard, and reasonableness. The association ought to likewise be prepared to tune in and utilize new thoughts from youthful and old mariners. Reyes (2011) fights that when an association tunes in and utilizes recommendations of workers, it makes a sentiment of regard, self-esteem, and acknowledgment, which spurs representatives to streamline their presentation. In like manner, the association needs to tune in to mariners and apply their thoughts and conclusion as a method for urging them to try sincerely and even source thoughts from different regions, along these lines improving their efficiency. The association should likewise connect with their mariners in ordinary preparing programs so they can make a degree of value among y outhful and old mariners. Great working connections and regard of each mariner paying little mind to age and experience is a factor that the association must see consistently with the goal that it can build inspiration and execution of mariners. End The distinction in perspectives and assessments of laborers happens in numerous associations. What's more, absence of inspiration among representatives is regular in various associations. In the maritime association, old and senior workers look downward on the youthful mariners, which cause them to feel substandard and underestimated, and therefore cause generational clashes. In any case, the board of the maritime association must foundation strategies and measures that limit or forestall generational clashes and increment inspiration of representatives just as the drive to work. The maritime association ought to likewise upgrade collaboration and great connections among its workers. It must urge all laborers to receive and apply qualiti es, for example, love, regard, duty, responsibility, and decency. Standard preparing of laborers will furnish them with important aptitudes that are fundamental in the utilization present day advances that are in accordance with the prerequisites of the youthful age, and accordingly increment the degree of inspiration in the youthful age and improve their efficiency. The administration of the maritime association can likewise incorporate workers’ delegates during detailing and usage of strategies with respect to
Tuesday, May 26, 2020
Essay about Slavery In America - 1499 Words
Slavery in America Introduction There has been much debate on the topic of slavery in the early times, although most of the countries considered slavery as a criminal activity. Some countries such as Myanmar and Sudan do not abolish it. They even expedite the slavery system. It is no doubt that slavery violent the human rights. However, it was commonly spread in the early times from 17th to 19th century. In this research, I will talk about the origin of the slavery, the reasons for people to becoming slave and the life of the slave. The Definition of slavery In 1926, the Slavery Convention defined slavery as ...the status or condition of a person over whom any or all of the powers attaching to the right of ownership are†¦show more content†¦Large amount of land and labor were required in the Tobacco agriculture. At first, these workers were mainly come from England itself and the promise of land attracted many workers. Later, the industry of Tobacco spread from Caribbean to Virginia. As a reason, colonists spread from one colony to another. At that time, the Dutch slave traders enslaved Africans to fill the needs of labor. This model was followed by the English. Many Africans became slave involuntarily and the first African slaves arrived in mainland North America in late August of 1619 when a ship carrying slaves from Africa docked in Jamestown, Virginia. They were different from indentured workers by their endless term of service. In the mid-1660s, the landlords of the Virginia in North America wanted to make profit as they had already done in Caribbean. They attracted the Caribbean and the English workers with the freedom of religious and the expansion of rights for the English. At the same time, the Tobacco agriculture played an important role in the economic of Virginia. Since the profit was so observable, the settlers acquired land by taking the land of the Native American. They recruited workers from England which was the large part of labor in Virginia until 1680s. By the 1710, Slavery system was well established and was accepted by the law in the 13 colonies. Slavery was an important part of economic structure until it was abolished in June 13, 1774. After the Freedom Ordinance inShow MoreRelatedThe Slavery Of America And America1168 Words  | 5 PagesIn 1619, there was a Dutch ship that arrived in America to trade for food. But instead of an object, such as silk or wine, they were trading humans. These humans were Africans who were not treated as normal human beings, but as if they were just an object or animal. On their voyage over to America, all the slaves were crammed into the lower part of the ship. They were forbidden to move and had to remain lying down for the entire voyage. For those on the ship to be sure the slaves were not causingRead MoreSlavery in America941 Words  | 4 PagesSlavery in America Does anyone know who really started slavery? Slavery first took place in North America, 1619 at a British colony of Jamestown Virginia†(Boles, John). This caused slavery to spread throughout the American colonies. Slavery had a huge impact on America and still does till this day. Slavery was nothing new when it came to America. It’s been going on since before the 1400’s.†Slavery had existed in Europe from classical times and did not disappear with the collapse of the Roman Empire†Read MoreSlavery in America1124 Words  | 5 PagesEveryone knows that slavery in America was a difficult time for African Americans. But do people truly understand how hard it was for the African American female slaves? Harriet Jacobs goes into detail about her life as a slave and gives the female perspective under the alias Linda Brent in the novel Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl. She states that everything she says in the book is completely true. There are stereo types of black women during this time: being looked upon as sexual objects andRead MoreThe Slavery Of Slavery And The Colonization Of America941 Words  | 4 PagesProblem of Slavery Introduction The slavery is a relationship established between two individuals and involves the complete and absolute control of each other. Usually, this domain is established from the force, becoming the slave of an object or possession of the owner, so you end up losing not only their freedom but also their humanity and dignity being. The cases of slavery in the history of humanity are many and are always imbued with very bloody and very violent stories as they pose most absoluteRead MoreSlavery in America743 Words  | 3 Pagestrees along the riverbank were bent with swinging corpses – a grisly warning to others dreaming of liberty. Other planters resisted emancipation more legalistically, stubbornly protesting that slavery was lawful until state legislatures or the Supreme Court declared otherwise. For many slaves the shackles of slavery were not struck off in a mighty single blow but had to be broken link by link. Prodded by the bayonets of Yankee armies all masters were eventually forced to recognize their slaves’Read MoreSlavery in America Art1205 Words  | 5 Pagesdebated, but ultimately the Civil War surrounded the legality of slavery in America. Everyone knows that Abraham Lincoln ended the ability to legally own slaves, therefore freeing slaves. Before Abraham Lincoln ended slavery, many slaves found freedom for themselves by running away to the northern states where slavery was illegal. Eastman Johnson, an American painter of the nineteenth century, depicts an African-American family fleeing slavery during the Civil War in his oil-painting titled A Ride to LibertyRead MoreSlavery And Its Impact On America1353 Words  | 6 Pages Slavery in America had a tight hold over the southern half. It was primarily located in the southern portion and African American slaves were held on large plantations and out in the fields. Some were even leased into the industrializing fa ctories. Ever since slavery in America started, slaves were considered property. Every black person was a white persons â€Å"property†. Now American had a belief, a belief that every man were entitled to God-given rights. The rights could not be stripped fromRead MoreSlavery And The Making Of America1412 Words  | 6 PagesThe film â€Å"Slavery and The Making Of America†covered the beginning of American slavery in the British colonies until the end of slavery in the southern states and post-civil war reconstruction. This film shows viewers remarkable stories of individual slaves, providing new perspectives on how unjust the slaves experiences were, and besides all the trouble they were facing still having to survive and shape their own lives. The British colonies in North America had an abundance of land and a scarcityRead MoreEssay on Slavery In America1014 Words  | 5 Pages nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Slavery in America stems well back to when the new world was first discovered and was led by the country to start the African Slave Trade-Portugal. The African Slave Trade was first exploited for plantations in the Caribbean, and eventually reached the southern coasts of America. The African natives were of all ages and sexes. Women usually worked in the homes cooking and cleaning, while men were sent out into the plantations to farm. Young girls would usuallyRead MoreThe History of Slavery in the Americas732 Words  | 3 Pageswork very hard on plantations and in mines. In the early 17th century, European settlers in North America turned to African slaves as an inexpensive, harder labored source, much better than indentured servants (who were mostly poor Europeans). In 1619, a Dutch ship brought 20 African Americans to the British colonies of Jamestown, Virginia, Charleston, and mostly any other big cities on the cost. Slavery spread throughout the American colonies pretty fast. It is impossible to give an exact number,
Friday, May 15, 2020
Topic The Moral And Social Underdevelopment In Dublin
Topic: The moral and social underdevelopment in Dublin life in James Joyce s short stories â€Å"The Little Cloud†and â€Å" After The Race†. In James Joyce’s short stories there is always an opportunity for spiritual growth for the characters, but almost always this possibility remains unrealized. The main characters are always faced with a wall, beyond which they can’t see hope. They always feel depression or melancholy because of a lack of harmony, along with the sense that their happiness is unattainable. Jimmy and Little Chandler show the desire to gain freedom both in the world and within themselves. But in the world depicted by the writer, there are no full-fledged, harmonious relations between people. Social relationships are distorted†¦show more content†¦They drank Ireland, England, France, Hungary, the United States of America!†¦.What jovial fellow! What good company they were! (Joyce, 40-41). At first glance, the author presented Jimmy as a young man thirsting for life, as if he is untouched by the stagnation that paralyzed the Dublin. But inside, he is the same son of a â€Å"dead †Dublin as the Little Chandler in the â€Å"A Little Cloud†. Feelings of Jimmy are felt in the construction of phrases, in exclamations, individual remarks and it shows how happy he is. But the author s corrections to the point of view of the hero are significant. Although, they are done gently, without pressure, in semitones: That night the city wore the mask of a capital (Joyce, 39). This phrase clearly belongs more to the author than to the main character, but have a connection to the main character also. Behind the author s irony clearly sounds a bitter soreness for his compatriots, for the wasted youth of the Dubliners, their ambitions to be like â€Å"them†. After The Race is not just a story about a merry party held by four very young people, but also correlate with historical situation of Ireland in the end of XIX century. This is a story about Dublin, about the sad fate of his youth in it. The dramatic motif of wasted life sounds very deep in the su btext of the story. After The Race is a brilliant example of how the author, behind the narrative of seemingly insignificant events, can convey
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Essay on The Music That Comes from Instruments - 915 Words
Music would not be music if it were not for the sound produced by an object we know of as an instrument. â€Å"A musical instrument is a device created or adapted to make musical sounds (Oxford dictionary (British World English)).†Music dates back to many years and even before electrical instruments humans alway found a way to create sound. Whether it was by clapping, singing or humming people alway created ways to create sound. Although not a proven fact, I strongly believe music is a way to connect oneself emotionally. Music will and alway be a way for individuals to express their emotions such as, sadness, excitement, happiness and anger. However, music will not be music if it weren’t for the sounds produced by the instruments. There are†¦show more content†¦To play this instrument, first, one must choose which saxophone they want to play. Yes, Saxophones come in different sizes and tunes. â€Å"The most common (and most practical) ones to play are the soprano, alto, tenor, and baritone. Saxophones are generally classified into one of two families... the military band family (that includes mainly Eb and Bb saxes, alternating in tuning) and the orchestral family that includes the less popular saxophones in C and F (How to Get Started with the Saxophone).†The military band family consist of the Soprillo, Sopranino, Soprano, Alto, Tenor, Baritone, Bass, Contrabass and the subcontrabass (also known as the Tubax) (Saxophone). The Orchestral Family consist of C-Soprano, Mezzo-Soprano and the C-Melody (Saxophone). Not only do you need the instrument, but you need accessories also to accompany the Saxophone. First, you will need a mouthpiece, a ligature, reeds, a neck-strap, swab, fingering chart and method books. The Saxophone is an instrument the sounds awesome and is an instrument played by many great musicians such as Charlie Parker, John Coltrane, Jimmy Dorey, etc. The next instrument I find to be interesting is the Accordion. â€Å"The Accordion is a portable wind instrument consisting of two reed organs connected by a folding bellows. Expanding and contracting the bellows provides air to vibrate the reed organs producing the sounds. It is also known as a squeeze box because of thisShow MoreRelatedEffects Of Listening On Mozart s Music1357 Words  | 6 Pagesincreased when they learn to play an instrument. The studies discuss the â€Å"Mozart Effect,†which says that listening to Mozart’s music can increase a child’s ability for spatial reasoning, as well as help brain development. The studies also cite the fact that many of history’s most intelligent men, like Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin, played one or more musical instruments. These studies are wrong. Students should not be required to learn an instrument, because it does not help them performRead MoreThe Arab Republic Of Egypt1044 Words  | 5 Pageslived in Alexandria. Being that my great grandparents were from Jerusalem, my grandparents were extremely proud to be born and raised as a Jew in Egypt. Around the age of 18 years old, my grandparents and their families were kicked out of Egypt because of their religion. Nasser insisted that all Jews flee Egypt immediately or they would be thrown in jail. Since my family had no other choice but to leave their home country, they decided to come to New York to try and start a new life. Although it wasRead MoreKorean Music And Its Effects Essay1564 Words  | 7 PagesKorean music had its development from early 1900s. Even though the country suffered suppression from Imperial Japan from 1905 to 1945, the growth in music was unstoppable. There are diverse kinds of music that Koreans have produced which portraits emotions, historical background stories, ritual significance, and more. Within its history, Korean traditional music has lived years of continuation. Korean music diverse in its style with distinct sounds that are made from unique Ko rean instruments and thoseRead MoreWhat Kind Of Music Is Acoustic Music?1731 Words  | 7 PagesGuitar What kind of music is acoustic music? Based on its sound, music can be categorized into various types. Acoustic music is music that solely or primarily uses instruments that produce sound through acoustic means, as opposed to electric or electronic means. The retronym acoustic music appeared after the advent of electric instruments, such as the electric guitar, electric violin, electric organ and synthesizer. People usually think acoustical music and electronic music is similar. But thereRead MoreThe Mix Of The Western World1310 Words  | 6 Pagesreport for music history! The concert was held on September 17, 2016 approximately near Wall Street in Manhattan. The concert was hosted by the company- Alwan for the Arts with an ensemble. The ensemble consisted of several people. There were about 4-5 singers to sing along to the instruments. The instruments that consisted in this specific ensemble were the oud- an instrument that belongs to the string family, the cello- an instrument also belonging to the string fam ily, the qunan- an instrument consistingRead MoreThe Effects Of Musical Instruments On Music890 Words  | 4 Pagescertain tones that help distinguish them from another item. For instance, when a child hears a cartoon playing in another room then they are residing in, the brain can tell if the voices they hear are from SpongeBob, or Looney Tunes. The same process happens with musical instruments, although the actual term to describe it is timbre. Timbre describes all characteristics of music that have nothing to do with pitch, loudness, or length. An example of timbre within music would be when a piccolo and a clarinetRead MoreThe Function Of The Song Beijing Welcomes You By Ke Zhaolei1340 Words  | 6 PagesMusic can be found everywhere in our world and has many different functions. Since music is universal it is important to understand the way describe music using terms such as timbre, pitch, rhythm and dynamics as well as keeping in mind the social, cultural and political r oles that music falls into. The song â€Å"Beijing Welcomes You†is a chinese song composed by Ke Zhaolei for the 2008 Beijing olympics and features many different artists from Asia. This recorded piece of music is a representation ofRead MoreThe Aspects Of Roman Life Regarding Music1289 Words  | 6 PagesThe feelings that the Ancient Romans had towards music could be described as ambivalent. They admired it and at the same time, they condemned it. Music, nevertheless, played a role in Roman society that, as time passed, became less and less important to the Romans. As a result, much of the information about music in Ancient Rome has been lost in time. However what has been discovered about this topic is quite fascinating, in spite of what it is lacking. The subsequent paragraphs will explain someRead MoreMusical Instruments Speech1284 Words  | 6 PagesMusical Instruments The Chinese philosopher Confucius said long ago that â€Å"Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without.†Being able to play any musical instrument is extremely satisfying. This includes everyone from the person who has mastered her instrument right down to the beginner who knows only a few chords. I personally believe that if theres one thing you should learn in your lifetime, its how to play an instrument. Learning to play a musical instrument offersRead MoreThe Jazz : A Music Genre1078 Words  | 5 PagesName: Sofia Endara Research Paper Jazz The Jazz is a music genre that was developed from the traditions of West Africa, Europe and North America. It arises specifically in New Orleans, Louisiana, home of musical style, where was a large consignments of slaves, mainly western Africa. That is why the jazz comes from the combination of three traditions: the native American, African and European. The African-American community in South America developed its musical expression through creative improvisation
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Leadership Research and Leadership Studies †
Question: Discuss about the Leadership Research and Leadership Studies. Answer: Introduction, Inc. is a company that deals in electronic business and cloud computing. It was founded in July 1994 by Jeff Bezos. The company is based in The USA, Seatale, Washington DC. Amazon is a tech giant and by market capitalization and revenue, it is the top internet retailer and in terms of overall sales, it is second with Alibaba toping. Its online website started as a bookstore but currently it has been diversifie to selling electronics, furniture, jewellery, food stuffs, audio, video and sofwares etc. Under its brand Amazon basics, it also deals in products that are low-ends. By the end of 2014, the online shopping company had 566, 000 employees. According to Carr (2017), mission statements should push organizations/ companies to accomplish their desired success in business. The business success is accredited to the mission and vision statements. Its mission statement and vision is to be earth's most customer-centric company; to build a place where people can come to find an d discover anything they might want to buy online. An organizations success should be contributed to their resolute obligation and consistent execution of their mission and vision. An organizations value guides the organization actions and their perspectives and in turn guides and aids in describing its culture and beliefs (Jagelman, 2005). Values assist in confronting issues or problems. Amazons have values which also double up as their principles. These include; Customer obsession, Ownership, Hire and develop the best, Think big, Invent and simplify, Frugality, Bias for action, Dive deep, Vocal self-critical, Insist on the highest standards, ackbone and Deliver Results. Through putting down values, Amazon lays out its various expectations for its members. Organisations culture are the organizations underlying values, beliefs and assumptions that contributes to their distinct psychological and social work environment (Ovide, 2018). Amazon has pride in its organization having a reputation of working hard. According to DuBrin et. al, (2005), notes that Amazon has a culture that works incredibly hard. Their expectations and standards are described from their phrase unreasonably high. Change Initiative Change in businesses or organizations advances through little and imperceptible movement. Carr (2017) notes that in firms is normally in nature, change is evolutionary until it reaches a crisis moment that results into a paradigm shift. It is sometimes vital to push the evolutionary process to be able to go for extra rapid change. Change in dysfunctional cultures is an uphill task since its is not easily accepted and thats where good leadership should be incorporated. Organizations that have their leaders adjust to environmental change at the end survive and flourish just like, Inc. The leaders at Amazon have been in a position to change online shopping models due to change in competition and business environment. The leaders at the organization jolted the process of evolutionary change. Ovide (2017) asserts that change is a toll for adjusting to survival. Amazon launched as in 1994 as a model for selling books, through their leaders the company took an approach and identified their customers needs. They worked in a backward manner to to employ new ways to distribute their products and services.Such changes philosophy was based on listening to their customers will lead to failure and not listening will achieve similar results. To respond to changing environment, the company founded a strategy of selling their merchandize over the internet through external networks. They intern converted their competitors into partners who have aided them increasing their customer base via extended product lines Carr (2017). The change for Amazon seemed easy and was aided by a number of factors which include the organizations culture being open to change and the online shopping model was radical. For amazon, the market have responded kindly. To achieve results to nge initiative, the organizations leaders need to manage employee responses, sell change right and use emotional contagion Ovide (2017). Leadership styles and philosophies Jeff Bezo the founder of, Inc relevance in business has been forged through his transformational leadership. Transformational leadership entails instigating change in organizations or firms or businesses, oneself and others (Yi-Feng, 2011). Such leaders always motivate others to go an extra mile than they intended and thought was possible. Such leaders set expectations that are challenging but accomplish a higher performance at the end. Bezos leadership is believed to have followers who are satisfied and committed because such leaders majorly empower their followers. Through Amazons growth it is evident that the leader have abilities of inspiring, envisioning and innovating. The three metrics of transformational leaders are, core repositioning, financial performance and net growth (Miska Mendenhall, 2018). Through core repositioning, organizations in new growth businesses. Amazon has been able to increase its platforms in retails into new categories such as streaming content and food. In net growth, it has been fruitful in creating new products, services and business models. Through financial performance, it has improved its profit growth. At Amazon apart from transformational leadership, other leadership styles are depicted especially from the founder Jeff Bezo. Autocratic leadership is portrayed since in most cases the founder monitors different operations/ activities on his own. Autocratic leadership is focused on the boss who holds all authority and responsibility according to (Bryant, 2017). He also posses strategic leadership as he has delivered exceptional strategies that has made the business to be successful. Team leadership style is also painted because he is in a position to give direction and purpose for the business. Team leadership entailed in the organizations vision that provides a vivid sense of purpose plus direction Being a leader in todays fast-paced business world and workplace have extra demands. It entails working with varied teams at times from different locations and time zones. Ospina (2017) points out that, while there are numerous leadership styles, those who are best share common traits. Organizations that have proved to be sustainable and successful have their leader having traits of a successful and powerful leader. At Amazon the key leader Bezo posseses a number of leadership traits. Innovative mind is one of them in that he has been capable of developing a largely renowned e-commerce website. Bezos innovative skills has proved that he is angry of always developing new things like Kindle an E-book device. Gyanchandani (2017) points out that leaders must encourage creativity through encouraging risk experimentation. The leader is also strategically patient but also defensively impatient which is seen in the organizations vision and through the phases the organization has undergone from startup to the current state. Building a team is an effective trait where by the leader admits that it is challenging to invent in the absence of underlying tools. Leaders effectiveness in attending to tasks and relationships Businesses that have been successful have had their leaders having leadership traits of successful and influential leaders. There is also discussion on leadership in the organization creating and maintaining their vision, and their effectiveness in managing conducive environment during the change process. Accomplishing success at the organization, the leaders highlighted how to use suitable tools and techniques to flourish. Human skills enable the use of knowledge and ability to work with various individuals and being aware of their perspectives to accomplish organizations vision. Promoting teamwork is vital to achieving organizational goals, effective communication and nurturing innovation. Perserverance through adversities is a trait that leaders at Amazon posses due to commitment to the organizations vision. The organization has faced challenges and their coonvictions have shown to be great e.g. Bezo noted that he had lost billions of dollar sin projects that failed. Bezo is a risk taker in that through making up his mind to start Amazon, he didnt have sufficient funds and new that there were chances of failing but he persevered and today the organization is among the most successful businesses. Jackson (2017) denotes that best leaders not only are risk takers and have confidence and when challenged, their possibility of giving in is close to impossible. Leaders who come up with the organizations vision always exhibit qualities that make them have the capability of creating and communicating the vision. Vision created should be inclusive to be able to unify their customers. Amazons vision is inclusive in that it targets building platform where its customers find or discover what they need online. The leaders were also able to create a vision that has clarity. Making visions that are easily understood is significant in promoting the organizations brand which reflects in its success. Having a clear vision for the future in a business, distinguishing and being able to take advantage of market opportunities and establishing strong leadership enables it to be upheld (Hoch, 203). Companies that have been successful have had their success attributed to innovation and upholding their vision. At Amazon, the leadership has been capable of maintaining the organizations vision in a number of ways. The company focuses on their customers through innovation and thinking big and thats where there effort is placed. Through stating that they are customer centric indicated that their main focus are their customers through solving customers problems and meeting their need. Cooper, Nieberding and Wanek (2013) demote that the better an organization,s customer service, the better the sales through customer loyalty. The company through their vision build their cutomers an electronic soulmate on their goal of tailored product recommendations. Maintenance of trust, confidence, ethical and legal behaviours Transformational leadership depicted at Amazon entails transformational leadership principles such as motivation, determination, mobilization, innovation and facilitation. In amazons innovations since its foundation has been consistent due to trust that they incorporate in their innovations. Confidence must go on par with risk during innovations which involves a lot of experimenting (Bligh, Pearce, and Kohles, 2006). Transformational leadership metrics such as net growth and core repositioning as noted by Jung and Valero (2015), requires ethics and trust for the metrics to be visible. Amazon has enjoyed the fruits of success through its evolution, which has been due to its strategic leadership style. The exclusive strategies are attained through their employees having trust in their employer. Their customers develop confidence in the products due to the strategic leadership employed. Through strategic leadership, the organization has a policy against discrimination and harassment. Am azon provides equal opportunities in all employment aspects and doesnt allow harassment or discrimination of its employees. Such organizations conducts entails ethics which are achieved through proper leadership. Amazon also posses autocratic leadership where most decisions are made at the top leadership, Amazon acquired Whole foods. This brought it into an interesting problem in the USA antitrust law. It portrays both legal and ethical conducts in its leadership styles. While change is inevitable, various organizations handle it differently and institutions that involves one person, barriers to change normally arise. The organisations employees will act differently to change as some are enthusiastic and will embrace it, others are fearful and most likely will resist (Suk Bong, Kihwan Seung-Wan, 2017). Employee involvement is significant in dealing with barriers to change. It should also include employee den making in order to make them feel valued and have possession in the change result. It is a method that averts too much feedback after change which might cause paralysis. Excellent leadership is required I handling change. Avolio (2014) asserts that excellent leadership on how to execute plans appropriately and good leaders provide focus and motivate for the change. Effective communication also prevent change barriers. It assists in initiating acceptance among the employees and customers. As much as employees need to know bout the change, they al so should be aware of its effects. The organization can ensure that their processes arent complex to make planning and implementation processes easier. Organizatinion complexity can be broken by utilizing a highly effective, quality and diligent change and project management approach. Working in small doses aids in managing change barriers because it doesnt overload employees with instant changes. It makes them focus on easy and digestable chunks knowing that more is on the way. Conflict arises in organization due to change and it is inevitable and in most cases employees or customers are never prepared to handle it. It takes careful strategies to ensure that the impact is not felt or barred completely. Conflicts can easily be dealt with by getting to its root issue, considering all, the parties that are involved and having those involved create a resolution protocol. Handling one issue at a time, timing the conflict and avoiding it also is important. Leaders effectiveness in establishing and maintaining a constructive climate through change process Taking market leadership risks creates conducive environment for the change process. It is in this line that it took, Inc to get its core business transactions from where it was to its current status. At first the company tried Amazon auctions, it then changed to zShops and finally to Amazon Market place. Kohn and OConnel (2007) denotes that invention and failure cant be separated and invention involves experimentation which entails taking risks and good leadership. When employees are made to think like the business owners, then it creates a motivating climate in the work environment. Amazons leadership has been able to attract and retain employees who are motivated and its bonuses and profit sharing enable workers contribute in the companys success. The leadership at the organization has created a culture that is right for the company. The organization never claims hat an approach that they come up with is theirs. A company must not be about a set of goals, but be able to decide on what matters or projects are important be able to repeat them. They should also ensure that employees and customers buys in the important projects or matters. Leaders avoiding bureaucracy create conducive environment through change by empowering people.Comtinuous empowerment results into averting bureaucracy as pointed out by Cole (2012), and to keep innovating, power should be pushed down in the organization. Conclusion, Inc leadership has brought it great success through online shopping idea. Through their leadership skills, the leaders at the organization have used their knowledge and competencies to achieve the organizations vision. Amazons founder Bezo over the years have been able to understand their customers needs. Its with the understanding the top leadership that it has been in a position to transform the organization to focus on its customers needs. Success at the company is attributed to essential leadership skills which include technical kills,conceptual skills and human kills. Bezos clearly highlighted how to use suitable tools and techniques to flourish. Human skills enable use of knowledge and ability to work with various individuals and being aware of their perspectives. Most of the leaders skills were ability to use concepts and skills to work that are key in creating a strategic plan and vision for the organization. The leadership from the organization have high expectat ion from their employees. This has created a more so efficient machine that is capable of making same day deliveries across USA and other parts of the globe. The leadership has a belief that customer is the king making them to centre they focus on what their customers need or what they arent in need of. It is important to note that , effective leaders impact their business effectiveness by inspiring and motivating their workforce. Employees who are loyal and committed expect provision of clear vision from their leadership. References Avolio, B. J. (2014). 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